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Anything people think needs to be done?

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Anything people think needs to be done? Empty Anything people think needs to be done?

Post by Charlie Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:01 am

I don't think there is too much to be done in the car park at the moment. The back door (from the car park into the building) could do with a bit of a wipe down, but I was looking to do that at some point anyway. One thing I would suggest might be useful for the car park area would be a sign on the outside of the car park wall which identified the building. Visitors/taxis/delivery people have real trouble working out which set of flats is which.

A simple sign which mentioned that the building was called Primrose House and was number 95 on the road would solve this problem.

Any other thoughts?


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Anything people think needs to be done? Empty Re: Anything people think needs to be done?

Post by Admin Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:27 pm

I agree, it's on the 'wishlist' but we need to understand what is happening with the Management first. Great idea.

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Anything people think needs to be done? Empty Re: Anything people think needs to be done?

Post by Charlie Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:01 am



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Anything people think needs to be done? Empty Re: Anything people think needs to be done?

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