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Tap in the car park

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Tap in the car park Empty Tap in the car park

Post by Steve Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:06 am

Hi everyone,

I thought we had been doing too well lately with no problems etc... I went out to the car this morning to find that the tap in the bottom left had been stolen (who would want to pinch a tap???) Anyway don't no how long it has been running for through the night but there is quite alot coming out at the moment. I have phoned yorkshire water up this morning when i got to work and they have stated that it is not there responsibility and its the management companies, unfortunately I haven't got their details with me, so If anyone can phone them asap it would be appreciated. I asked who's responsibility it is to pay for the water and they said it depended on whether it went through any water meters or not. They weren't very helpfull at all really.

Hope someone has some joy with the management company.



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Tap in the car park Empty Re: Tap in the car park

Post by Steve Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:39 pm

I have managed to get in touch with Adderstone and someone is going to come out today and have a look at it, so hopefully will be sorted in some way shortly.



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Tap in the car park Empty Re: Tap in the car park

Post by Jason Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:11 pm

Hi Steve,

Yep I saw the tap had been stolen and thought exactly the same, who on earth steals a tap for it's scrap metal value when it will cause such a problem.

We do have metal thieves in the area though and last year some lads pinched the earth wire from the side of our flats for the copper inside. Lets just hope that the tap doesn't get pinched again.

It was about 10ish when I saw the leak as was popping to the office. I think I spoke to Renee's mum, not sure as don't think she had a key as Renee was out so spoke through door. Anyway she said water company had been notified etc and it got fixed sometime in afternoon.


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Tap in the car park Empty Re: Tap in the car park

Post by Charlie Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:55 am

That is pretty lousy, there would be next to no gain for anyone from a small bit of scrap like that. Thanks to everyone for getting it sorted. Has the tap been replaced or has the pipe been capped off?


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